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So you want to change the world?

Follow Jesus. Empower Leaders. Grow Family.

My core passions

Since Brad has been faithful to follow the call of God to walk with people as Jesus did, his network and influence continues to expand as he holds fast to the simple truth of inviting others to Follow Jesus together.

Discover Everyday ways to change the world.

Examine 5 areas of the life of Jesus and let it change the way you think and live. Have unimaginable kingdom impact through living out the everyday epic and the Culture Of The Few.

Focus Your Eyes On Jesus

Spend each day looking to see what Jesus is doing and saying.

Invite Others To Join You

As you continue to grow in intimacy with God and learn what He is doing/saying, invite others to join you in following Jesus together daily.

Change The World

Trust that the Lord will use your faithfulness and commitment to empower you and these leaders to change lives, in turn, changing the world.

connect. engage. relate.

Fewl is a resource app created to empower followers of Jesus to live their faith courageously. 

Focus on jesus

The greatest thing you can do to change the world is to follow Jesus and to be who God made you to be. Jesus is still in the business of turning ordinary men and women into history makers by inviting them into His daily life, and as the ultimate “agent of change” it is His example we need to follow.

Better together.

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