Question of the Week


Week of January 16th

What is revival? What does revival look like to you?

Share your thoughts in the discussion board below!
Week of January 9th

What does it mean to grow deep roots with God?

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  1. This question makes me think of Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it[b] with thanksgiving. We receive Jesus by faith and we walk with him by faith. I think we grow deep roots of love with Him as we walk with Him and depend on Him in the midst of everyday life.

  2. Growing deep roots with God looks like learning to sustain your eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm. I think of Mark 4:39-40 when the disciples are in the boat. They have fear that Jesus does not care about them, but in reality He has called them to trust Him, to seek His face, and to know His truth and confidence. A big part of being rooted with God for me is knowing how to seek the face of Jesus in the everyday. We must seek to see what Jesus is doing in every moment of our lives. That is how Jesus lived His life. He only did and said what He saw the Father doing. And of course His is the example we should follow:).

  3. I love the way that God designed our lives to grow in a similar way that He’s designed the growth process of plants in the natural. Like its crazy how many bible verses and promises in Scripture we see regarding the connection between growing deep roots, and bearing good fruit and prospering. Some of my favorite scriptural metaphors/promises of the growing process are Psalm 1, Jeremiah 17:8, and Jesus’s parable of the sower in matthew. And for me, when I apply these truths to my own life, it all comes down to surrendering to the growing process, and recognizing that to grow roots, I first need to let the seeds of Jesus’ truth get deep into the good soil of my heart. So to grow deep roots, I need to prepare the soil of my heart (posture myself to receive), continually make sure I get tons of water and nutrients (be in the word of God and around people who edify, challenge, and stretch me in all the right ways), and let good and bad weather take its toll in making me strong (standing strong in the midst of adversity when God’s promises say something that doesn’t seem to be true). #BOOM